In 2005 Andrew Bujalski’s “Mutual Appreciation,” and Jay and Mark Duplass’ “Puffy Chair” initiated a string of movies that embodied elements which would later become the...
Storytelling has been around since the dawn of humanity. Narrative is perhaps the most universal cognitive tool for situated understanding. The idea of interactive narratives is...
What are we to make of events that reach us in the form of a video clip of a police shooting that is sandwiched by both...
Lars von Trier, the “enfant terrible” of contemporary cinema, has grown a reputation for putting his female protagonists in harms way. Half of von Trier’s films...
There are many ways to look at films, and to have conversations about what we as filmmakers do and ought to do. The conversation is usually...
well the phrase that signals the beginning of the end: “They’ve become self-aware.” Now I’m no John Connor, but I am here to warn you that...
The portrayal of people with disabilities in cinema has a surprisingly long and sordid story. One of the earliest, and in my mind the most interesting,...
Often maligned, misunderstood, underrated and trivialized, style is an integral element of visual storytelling. Mock it. Embrace it. Exude it. Or create it. Style is an...
For it’s 1993 release, the Jonathan Demme film, Philadelphia, set a novel precedent. At this time, the HIV/AIDS virus was essentially a death sentence for the...
“I’d rather die drunk, broke at 34 and have people at a dinner table talk about me than live to be rich and sober at 90...