For audiences nearly a century ago, magic was believed to play an integral part in the production of filmmaking. Filmmakers were like magicians, discovering new techniques...
In 1929, legendary filmmaker Cecil B. DeMille told a story to a group of film engineers about needing to shoot a scene with Thomas Meighan, Gloria...
“… Und wo eben kaum eine Hütte war, dies zu empfangen, / ein Unterschlupf aus dunkelstem Verlangen / mit einem Zugang, dessen Pfosten beben, – /...
[iframe style=”border:none” src=”” height=”100″ width=”450″ scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen] Subscribe to Podcast Welcome to the Cinema of Change podcast with Tobias Deml and Robert...
As technology continues to progress forward at a meteoric rate, so do how we consume content. The attention economy in this day and age is vast...