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Jessa Zarubica

A writer, actress, and producer with over a decade of experience in the film industry, Jessa is always in search of new ways to illuminate the dusty pockets of humanity and explore their magic. But what truly inspires Jessa is finding unique ways of giving back and inspiring positive change in the world, even if it's one laugh at a time. Most recently Jessa's web series "Pop Up" that she scribed, produced, and stars in with HLG Films is gearing up for release next month. Jessa is also working with award winning New Media trail blaizers, Black and Sexy TV, on creating an edgy new web series “Swirl,” that explores interracial relationships in a whole new way. And, this spring Jessa will direct her first feature, "Wet Paint" with Create Entertainment and award winning director and actor Peter Bogdanovich.

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